Hi, my name is Celia! I have been training animals for 40 years. I can tailor your training for the unique needs and strengths of your dog.
Throughout my dog training career, I have trained hundreds of dogs in a variety of settings, including:
- Training family companions
- Search and protection dogs
- Private client sessions
- Semi-private classes
- Rescue groups
- Group pack walks
- Assisting and coverage of other trainers
- Canine Good Citizen classes
- Pet store classes
- Family and friends
- Obedience competitions
Each canine and companion offer their own special opportunity for growth and may require unique adjustments to training. To meet my client’s needs, I keep my training current on the latest techniques by continuous research, attending seminars, networking with other trainers, as well as just good old application of training techniques on a variety of dogs and their owners. My goal is to move my client and their ‘best friend’ towards a loving relationship built on trust and understanding.
I love the relationships between dogs and their owners. While I was involved in training the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Mounted Horse Unit for 5 years I never lost my love for dogs! There is nothing more rewarding than to see a working partnership between an owner and their dog. The bond, the trust, and the love are immeasurable. I have been blessed in the past with several of those special bonds and in that spirit, I want to pass that along to other dogs and owners. I enjoy working with people and I do what I do for the … LOVE OF DOGS.